University of Bergen
Department of Philosophy
Postboks 7805
5020 Bergen

Tel: +47 55 588 960
Fax: +47 55 589 651


I am a full professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bergen and part of the Toppforsk-programme. My PhD is from the University of Bern (2005). I work on questions in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of logic, in particular, on causation, mechanistic constitution, and logical formalization. My publications include an introduction to the philosophy of causation entitled “Kausalitaet und kausales Schliessen” (2004) and numerous papers on causation, causal reasoning, regularity theories, Coincidence Analysis (CNA), interventionism, mechanistic constitution, non-reductive physicalism, epiphenomenalism, determinism, logical formalization, argument reconstruction/evaluation, modeling in the social sciences, QCA, and the slingshot argument.


  1. Two new papers forthcoming:
    M. Baumgartner and L. Casini (forthcoming), Constitution, Non-Causal Explanation, and Demarcation, Ergo.
    M. Swiatczak and M. Baumgartner (forthcoming), Data Imbalances in Coincidence Analysis: A Simulation Study, Sociological Methods & Research.

  2. Registration open for 2024 CNA training at Rush in Chicago: From May 20 to 23, we will hold an intensive 4-day introduction to causal modeling with Coincidence Analysis in Chicago. Register here:

  3. Call for Papers to 3rd International Conference on Current Issues in Coincidence Analysis, May 24-25, 2024, Chicago: Submit your CNA papers here.

  4. New version of the CNA R package: Version 3.5.6 of the cna R package has been published on CRAN.

  5. CNA applied in Psychology: Roczniewska M, Tafvelin S, Nielsen K, von Thiele Schwarz U, Miech EJ, Hasson H, Edwards K, Abildgaard JS, Sorensen OH. (2023), Simple Roads to Failure, Complex Paths to Success: An Evaluation of Conditions Explaining Perceived Fit of an Organizational Occupational Health Intervention, Applied Psychology, doi: 10.1111/apps.12502.